Chakra 3 - Manipura

Manipura means "lustrous gem". This seems an appropriate name for Chakra 3 whose inner state is full of strong emotions; laughter, joy and anger. This is the chakra of will power and assertiveness. Chakra 3 is represented by the colour yellow, a 10 petal lotus flower and the element of fire.

Chakra 3 is located in the solar plexus and connected to our self-esteem, ethics and strength of character.   Everyone is familiar with this chakra.  It's speaking to us all the time.  Like when you have a stressful situation and you get butterflies or knots in the stomach or when you're happy and excited and you feel that warm glow in the pit of your stomach.

The sense for this chakra is sight; how we see ourselves inside and out and how we see others.  Activities for Chakra 3 are connected to the path of Karma Yoga. Think of things like doing community service; helping others that makes you feel good.

Yoga poses to help balance this chakra are strong standing poses like Warrior poses, Hara punches and Woodchopper pose. Jogging is also a good exercise for this chakra.  These are all strong stress relievers.

To do the Woodchopper pose begin by standing in Tadasana (the Mountain pose) with the legs a few feet apart.
  • Inhale, raising the arms up and clasping the hands together
  • Exhale, relax the shoulders a little bit
  • Inhale and then exhaling deeply, bend at the hips and fold forward
  • Bring the arms between the legs
  • Inhale strongly as you come back up to stand in Tadasana
  • Exhale the arms to the sides
  • Repeat a few times and then rest in Tadasana with the feet closer together
You can breath here in Tadasana with your hands over the 3rd Chakra, relaxing your muscles with each exhalation and maybe saying quietly to yourself a positive affirmation.  Something like; I can do it", "I have the courage to face my problems" or "I honour myself and others".


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