Footpath Yoga CD
This winter and spring, I worked on a project, that I've wanted to do for a long time. My Yoga students have always asked me to record what I say to them during the relaxation part of Yoga class. Used to be they wanted the cassette, now it's a CD or MP3 file!
This winter, the time was right and everything fell into place. I met Tara Mackenzie, a talented musician with a recording studio in Owen Sound, Ontario. With Tara's experise in recording and music and my voice and Savasana script, Footpath Yoga's first relaxation CD was born. "Savasana, the Yogic Art of Relaxation".
I had a great time playing with Adobe Indesign ( a new experience) and my logo to design the cover and being in the recording studio was fun too. At Vert Productions, I sat on the floor on a cushion, wrapped in one of Tara's afghans, with a candle softly burning and some lemon water to sip. Yes, we tried to get that Yoga feel in the studio. In my mind's eye, I tried to imagine that my students were there with me and I spoke to them.
So the result is a guided Savasana (relaxation) that sounds like what I say in class, but with polish and music in the background.
As with all creative projects, I started thinking of ways to tweak it. So who knows maybe another recording is in the future.